What to do in Clabria
Parco dei Principi Hotel is located in a privileged position, nestled along the famous Jasmine coast, the land of ancient Roman settlements... Continue Reading
Blue Flag for Roccella Jonica
Coming to visit the Jasmine coast, you will be able to enjoy a coast characterized by wide expanses of white sand, which... Continue Reading
Exclusive TITANIC Style Inspired Hotel
Didyou know that the famousstaircase of the Parco dei Principi Hotel wasinspired by the blockbuster movie and Oscar “Titanic”? The film thateveryonehasseenatleast... Continue Reading
Why choose Parco dei Principi Hotel?
We give you 9+1 reasons 1. For the unique style of our structure: If you have visited the Parco dei Principi Hotel... Continue Reading
Making a Wedding or an Event
Large outdoor spaces, an imposing green park by the pool, we believe it! In recent weeks, while our work here at the... Continue Reading
Delights of the Calabrian tradition
Calabrian delights: Pasta with meatballs with sauce What distinguishes the Italian people abroad are certainly (and par excellence) the gastronomic delicacies that... Continue Reading
The Calabrian Jewel
The Parco dei Principi 5-star hotel, immersed in a marvelous park, located just 150 meters from the Ionian Sea, near the town of Roccella Jonica.Over the years the organization of major events such as "The debutante dance".